We work at the interface between agriculture and ecology
Our Vision
Collaborations working on Living Landscapes
When we speak about ‘collaborations’ we mean working together to solve common challenges and co-creating solutions based on mutual understanding, trust and respect.
The power of ‘working on’ a living landscape is that by being based on a landscape, you have your feet planted in the reality on the ground.
‘Living Landscapes’ refers to a variety of agricultural, ecological and social systems, which are managed sustainably.
Our Principles
Guiding principles help us align our vision to maintain a consistent approach across all landscapes.
The following principles are integral to how we operate:
We believe that in order to create collective action, you need to build strong relationships and social capital.
Our work is dynamic and based on continuous learning.
We endeavor to not impose preconceived ideas but to listen carefully to understand the reality and nuances of the landscapes on which we work.
We value an informal yet professional approach.
The Living Landscape Approach
Our work is a 'work in progress' and our approach is one we’ve nurtured over many years.
It combines 'bottom-based' processes (i.e. on the landscape) and 'top-guided' (i.e. research, policy and global context) processes to facilitate shared learning and collective action. This approach integrates the building blocks of Theory U (developed by the Presencing Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) and the 4 Returns framework by Commonland.
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Landscape Roles
Each individual at Living Lands engages in one or more of the following actions on the landscape:
Landscape Mobilisation
Forming relationships and developing networks as a basis to work together.
Landscape Facilitation
Creating a enabling environment for collaboration with partners.
Knowledge Brokering
Improving the knowledge base for rehabilitation by connecting research, and creating a feedback loop to close the knowing-doing gap.
Business Development
Enabling long-term financial and ecological sustainability through the development of 4 Returns business cases and financial sustainability.